Preparing for Your Visit


The doctor-patient relationship matters. Co-creating a comprehensive treatment plan with patients is my privilege.

To be sure Synchrony Psychiatry is appropriate for you, I begin with an initial complimentary phone conversation. This 15-20-minute call allows space to ask and answer any specific questions you have about my practice, services, and experience.

Before we begin an ongoing doctor-patient relationship, first-time patients will complete an extensive questionnaire followed by a one-time 80-minute consultation. Together, we undertake a biopsychosocial assessment, which includes an exploration of your medical, developmental, trauma, and social history. During this time, we will work together to (re)tell your story. After your consultation, we can again consider together if Synchrony Psychiatry is appropriate for you. 

Ongoing appointments are 50 minutes. Occasionally, treatment calls for 25-minute follow-up visits. These appointments are not only “med checks,” they are focused, comfortable visits with time and space for ongoing dialogue.